Hamstring strain injury occurs frequently not only in soccer! Unfortunately, toughness does not help preventing injuries. Thus, Australian Rugby players suffer as well. Only solid preparatory conditioning can cut back hamstring injuries.
Research published by Dr. Tous-Fajardo (now with Chelsea FC) and his partner investigators, examined Rugby players when performing nHANCE YoYo driven YoYo Leg Curl with use of surface electromyography (EMG). They showed impressive use of all superficial hamstring muscles and higher activity in both the eccentric and concentric phase than shown i maximal isometric actions! This pattern is noted with the most widely used weight stack machines! At nHANCE we believe the immense hamstring muscle involvement with nHANCE Leg Curl explains why athletes are better prepared to refrain hamstring strain and gain speed and power after training with our system.
Read more:Tous-Fajardo, J. et al. The Flywheel Leg Curl Machine: Hamstring Eccentric Overload for Hamstring Development. Int. J. Sports Physiology and Performance. 2006.